Year 2

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Long Term Plan

Subject Autumn Spring Summer
English (Novels studied) The Hungry Caterpillar
The Great Fire of London 
The Tiger who came to Tea  
The Gruffalo
Fantastic Mr Fox  The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark Giraffes Can’t Dance  The Queen’s Knickers
Maths White Rose units Place value Addition and subtraction Measurement: money Multiplication and division Multiplication and division Statistics Geometry: Property of shapes Fractions Measurement: length and height Geometry: position and direction Problem solving and efficient methods Measurement: time Measurement: mass, capacity, temperature Investigations
Science Materials Habitats Plants Animals including Humans
History London Living and The Great Fire of London Queens: Victoria V Elizabeth Local History: Rosa Parks and Alice Hawkins
Geography Map skills Geographical features of UK Local geography (map reading, naming countries, cities)
Computing Coding Online safety Spreadsheets Questioning Effective searching Creating pictures Making Music Presenting ideas
Music Pulse: layer and combine  Voice: sing and alter tempo Rhythm: perform an ostinato  Pitch: compose and perform with varied pitch Music Technology: create and perform using different themes  20th Century Music: use voice to change mood
Art Print: buildings Textiles / Collage: Landscapes Sculpture: animals
Design & Technology Textiles: Template and joining Mechanisms: wheels and axels Food: fruit and vegetables – cooking
PSHCE Relationships education Myself and My relationships – Family and Friends  Relationships education Myself and My relationships – Managing change Relationships and health education Myself and My Relationships – Anti bullying
Relationships Education
Healthy and Safer Lifestyles – Personal Safety
Relationships and health education
Healthy and safer Lifestyles –RSE
Relationships education
Citizenship – Rights, Rules and Responsibilities
RE How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter? Christians and Muslims  How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times (different festival focus) Christians, Hindus and Sikhs Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?  Muslims. Sikh What can we learn from sacred books? Christians and Sikhs.
PE Gym – Sequences (high & low)  Dance – Animal movements  Games – Movement with a ball / Sending & Receiving Gym – Sequences Weight on Hands & Feet   Gym -Games  Throwing / Catching   Dance –animal movements Gym – Sequences Turning & Twisting  OAA Unit 1 Physical Challenges   Dance – Pathways, Colour & Noise  Athletics Unit 1 Running, Jumping & Throwing
MFL Greetings Numbers 1-20 Days and Months of the year Festivals and celebratory days
Safeguarding British Values: Unwritten rules, being free  Diverse relationships: Equality within families Gang Culture: Peer pressure and acts, different opinions Extremism & radicalization: Resisting pressure, what is extremism?

To get in contact with the Year 2 representatives email: [email protected]

Summer Term 2024 Overview